TikTok, a video-sharing app, provides its users a short video-sharing platform that includes music, lip sync videos, comedy skits, and much more. TikTok is unique in that it focuses on the short, sweet videos instead of the long-form content preferred by Instagram and YouTube.
Marketing benefits of TikTok
The marketing benefits of TikTok for business are multiple. You just need to have a clear idea of what the benefits are and how to make them work for your brand.
The engagement statistics are exceptionally high on the platform. According to one Digital Marketing study, TikTok beats all other platforms when it comes to engagement levels across accounts of all sizes. TikTok is also great at keeping people on the app, as users typically are using it 45 minutes a day on average.
TikTok’s user base is growing rapidly and it’s quickly becoming a great opportunity for businesses to reach new, larger and younger audiences.
Introverts can make great TikTokers too
The majority of YouTubers are extroverted. They have loud, excited voices that carry over miles and miles, they are always trying to get people’s attention. If you’re not one of these people, don’t worry because there is still a place for you on TikTok. It is in the dark corners of a locked bedroom where your listeners will appreciate the quietest whisper. TikTokers tend to be more honest and personal with their videos. they can build up an intimate relationship with their audience that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.
The best 20 tips on How To Grow Your TikTok Account.
Growing a successful TikTok profile, for fame, or for growing a business.
1. Use hashtags in your video captions
So many users forget about hashtags when uploading content, partly because they rarely see them used. If possible, use only hashtags related to your niche before uploading anything, but be careful not to add too many of them. Also, if you try to stay clear of generic hashtags, then you’ll reach a more targeted audience.
You can choose a few of some of the popular hashtags that already have big followings, and is also good to create your own branded hashtag in order to get more eyes on your unique content. Your channel will grow much faster if you make use of hashtags effectively.
2. Post videos that are of very high quality (or slightly higher) than what’s around
This is important because TikTok algorithms factor in certain aspects of a video’s quality before making decisions about what should surface to the top searches. If your videos are of average quality, fewer people will watch those videos and see them as less relevant than other content being produced, leading them to the bottom of the search results. Having high quality videos is just another way to ensure that people see your output as being of greater importance than someone else’s and even more importantly, people will see it as quality content they will keep visiting.
3. Upload videos vertically instead of horizontally
Some TikTok videos are uploaded using the side-scrolling (horizontal) method. This means that they all run in a line in order from left to right and can be a little difficult to navigate or read when you have a large quantity of videos in a row. If you want your videos to be better seen on TikTok then you should upload them vertically instead, which will allow viewers to see each video as an individual unit. This means that you’re less likely to have people scrolling through videos rather than watching them individually, which increases your chances of getting their attention.
4. Record voiceover for the intro and outro segments of your TikTok videos
I cannot stress enough how important voiceover is when it comes to TikTok videos. There is nothing more important than being able to hear what the person in a video is saying. You can provide information about your channel, how people can find you, and even tell them a brief summary of the content that they’re about to see before they watch. This will make a huge difference in the long run as it will help you gain viewers and retain them for longer.
5. Use captions in your TikTok videos
Captioning not only makes it easier for people to understand the meaning behind what someone says, but it also makes it much easier for people who are hearing impaired to engage with your content as well. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you are already reaching out to an audience that speaks English so they won’t need captions when uploading videos with English subtitles.
There are many different countries where English isn’t natively spoken so don’t forget about them when crafting content on TikTok, even though most of its videos are either subtitled or translated into multiple languages. Just be sure that you’re getting the basic meaning of what’s being said when you caption a video, so that people will be able to watch and understand it even if they don’t speak your native language.
6. Study other content creators who make similar videos to the ones you want to produce
Some people might think that there’s not much to learn from another person if your videos and channels are very different, but that is not the case at all. I was one of these people too, but, after watching someone else produce videos in my channel’s niche, I came out more knowledgeable about how Icould improve my own videos.
Many TikTok users will share their knowledge with other creators about what they’ve learned while being active TokTokers. Never be afraid to ask them for advice if there is something about theirs that you would like to know about. It is unlikely that you will be able to learn everything because there are so many similarities between the different types of content, but, if you can discover one small thing that makes a big difference, then you’re already ahead of the game.
7. Create or choose viral music for consistent success
If you want your audience to stick around for longer than just watching one video, then be sure that your music is attractive and also loud enough that they can hear it even in the most loud places. If your music is boring or not loud enough, then there won’t be any way for them to get what you’re trying to convey. Don’t think that all you have to do is make a few good scenes and you’ll be set. It takes a lot of time to create music for videos (if you want to go this route), and utilizing good headphones will help immensely. Always make sure the music for your video runs in sync with its subtitles so that the viewer can understand what is going on without ever looking away from the screen.
8. Stick to your niche
A lot of people try to cross over into a general TikTok video category and they end up losing followers by doing so. If you want to Grow Your TikTok Account, when you’re first starting out with your content, identifying a very specific niche that you’re going to focus on will help you avoid this issue. If you’re going to make videos about something that’s very common, then the chances are there will be many other videos made in that same theme before you. If the topic is niched, then fewer people will be able to produce similar videos, thus, making it way easier for you to stand out from the crowd as well as gain more followers and retention.
9. Be realistic with your expectations when it comes to TikTok
Many think that by uploading a couple of videos with some subtitles they will reach overnight success, I know how it feels, I used to think that too. Some people will lose interest in TikTok after just a few months of tries and will never return. Seeing only one or two comments about your content means nothing at all besides indicating that someone randomly found your channel and watched a video or two, not necessarily from brand new viewers who were specifically searching for what you have to offer.
The important thing is this: results will come in time, so there is more than enough time to produce quality content, so even if everything goes wrong for a while, it won’t take very long for you to get better at it, as well as increase your followers in order for your TikTok account to shine through.
10. Try uploading short “teasers” on your channel just to remind viewers that you’re working on your next video
No matter how good your channel performs it will at times seem stagnant because there isn’t any new content being uploaded, needed for drawing people back in again and again. Uploading a preview of your next video will remind viewers that new content is coming. It may be extremely short but it will keep them going back to your account to see when the next video will be posted.
11. Be slightly ahead of time when you make your videos: as a way to better reach your audience
If you know that in the morning, people usually get up and go off to work and don’t have much time on their hands, then be sure to record those videos just before they get out of bed so that they get to watch them right before they leave. If you do this, you will definitely have more people than usual playing with your content, as it can act as a wake up call for them or simply something to laugh at during what is supposed to be a boring day.
12. Create high quality videos rather than mediocre ones
A lot of users will make the excuse that it’s better to upload low quality videos with subtitles instead of taking the time to create higher quality videos, claiming that it will be much easier to just upload anything they seem fit. While it is definitely much easier to upload as your creativity sparks than taking a lot of time for making a high-quality video, you will still need to spend a lot of time capturing footage and then going back for edits into what can be uploaded.
This means that the better thing left for you to do is write your script, find your inspiration, as well as post everything up. Viewers are going to grow tired of watching low quality content since they’ve grown accustomed to ingenious material that makes them feel like they’re part of the action taking place before their eyes. In the end, you’re better off spending the time getting your videos as close to perfect as possible so that they don’t look like a poor slideshow with subtitles.
13. Start a TikTok podcast
Podcasts have very different lengths than TikTok videos and therefore there might be less demand for them due to the time commitment involved. However, there is no doubt that podcasts can be extremely fun and feel even more personal than normal videos. That’s because of how long they last. You can attract a very different audience that will feel like part of your extended family by using video podcasts.
14. Upload videos whenever you’re inspired, but also plan out your content
A lot of people find content creation to be a very overwhelming process. I understand this, I was there too. If you’re just getting started with video editing, it is ok to let the videos come to you naturally at first. You don’t have to over-analyze what is going on in your content or become too critical of yourself and all the things that could be “wrong” with it. You should just throw yourself into making the videos, and, if it doesn’t turn out well, then you have more videos to get better at instead of feeling like you are never going anywhere with your video creation efforts.
After you’ve had some practice, maybe even gaining a little bit of a following, you can start taking the time to plan out what sort of videos will work best on your channel so that there’s a clear path from the creation step through to publishing. For example, if you’re new to creating videos, you might have a rough start and upload a few clips that don’t work out as well as the others. However, when it’s time to publish your next videos, your vision about what to create will become much clearer.
15. Market your TikTok account outside TikTok
While it’s true that most people are using TikTok for other reasons than just watching videos, the problem is that they don’t always come back unless there is new content to see. This makes it very challenging to make sure that people are going to see your new videos as relevant and something worth returning for.
This means that you should try and get some attention by trying to promote your TikTok account on other platforms too. If people know about you even before you share your next video, then they’ll already be aware of what you’re doing and will definitely be inclined to stay longer and watch what you have to show them, instead of never finding/returning to your account.
16. Get your friends to help promote your TikTok account
If you know people who have an already established TikTok account, then you can ask them to share your TikTok profile and content with their followers. They will probably be more willing to do this if you are doing the same type of content as them, so that they won’t flood their own channel with the wrong kind of video type and thereby upset their existing fan base. Even just asking for advice or tips from someone who is already using TikTok can help your account.
17. Use the tagging feature to promote your work. especially for new accounts
There is a feature on TikTok that allows users to tag others in their videos: be sure to use this feature as often as possible. Users who are tagged will be notified through a message in their inbox, and, they will also see what people are saying about them within the comments section. Many active users will watch this kind of content and may actually go back and watch one or more videos related to those tagged in, instead of simply scrolling by as if they never saw how great they looked.
Tags do not need to have something important behind them or even be related to what’s being discussed on TikTok itself, it doesn’t have to mean anything at all. Simply tagging someone and letting them know that you want them involved with your project or just wanting their opinion for whatever reason, will keep you account stay more active.
18. Creating a consistent schedule for your TikTok marketing efforts
If you want to see the best results, then you have to make sure that you are making videos on a regular basis. Plan ahead of time, and, find a time that is most convenient for you to make videos so that you’re not trying to crank them out right before bed or in the middle of a study/work day. More than this, if people know when they can expect new content from you then they’ll be more prone to return and watch it instead of forgetting about your account.
19. Base your ads and content on analytics data
Once you have a decent following and know what is working well in your content creation, it is important to keep evaluating what makes people more likely to engage with certain videos or ads. Many content creators are being led astray by their own excitement for their brand because they don’t understand that how and what they’re doing affects their analytics data. Use TikTok’s analytics to keep track of how many views you get each day and the average time it takes people to watch a specific video.
There is a lot of data on TikTok that you can take advantage of, including statistics about whether or not people have viewed your videos over time so that you can see just how long it takes them to finish watching them. This helps you keep track of how fast viewers are catching on to your content, and, by keeping track of these statistics, will help you make better decisions about what type of content you’re going to upload the next time around.
When about advertising, embrace this on TikTok with clear expectations of how it is going to work for you before you begin doing so. Once again, this may take some trial and error but keep track of every aspect of what’s working, so down the line you can quickly adjust your marketing efforts according to those changes.
20. Run ads on keywords related to your channel’s target audience (advertising on TikTok)
When it comes about crafting your video description, don’t just copy formulas from other videos or ads. Take the most important aspects of what they did well and perfect them by keeping in mind how people search on TikTok and social media platforms in general, as well as what words convert best with an audience looking for what you have to offer. If you advertise on TikTok a consistent basis, people will keep discovering your account and finally it will lead to more leads and sales to your business.
Want to grow your TikTok account the SMART way?
You need to learn about the mother-child marketing approach. Using this method the right way, you can grow your account to high followers count in record time.
Here is where to buy TikTok accounts for your TikTok mother-child marketing campaign.